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Showing posts from February 20, 2017

President Trump has many secret supporters in the LGBT community

LGBT Anti-Trump Protest in DC Fizzles Bigly 16491 16 Lee Stranahan by   LEE STRANAHAN 19 Feb 2017 4,021 SIGN UP  FOR OUR NEWSLETTER WASHINGTON D.C. — Even on a beautiful day with temperatures in the high 60s, organizers could not muster a decent-sized protest turnout against President Donald Trump at an LGBT event on Sunday outside the Trump International Hotel, a few blocks from the White House. A group of little more than two dozen protesters danced, kissed, held signs, and played music as an almost equal number of photographers captured the spectacle of social justice warriors who lacked any coherent message except free-floating contempt for the president who took office less than one month ago. As  Reuters reported several weeks ago , LGBT activists continue fear-mongering about the Trump administration: Advocates said on Tuesday they were bracing for a Trump administration rollback of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transge...

Intolerant left/liberal media unwittingly help Pres. Trump

New York Times Warns Readers: Unhinged Leftist Hate ‘Helping Trump’ 8081 17 Michael Ares/Palm Beach Post via AP by   BREITBART NEWS 19 Feb 2017 2,013 SIGN UP  FOR OUR NEWSLETTER Reporter Sabrina Tavernise writes in the New York Times that “many seemingly persuadable conservatives say that liberals are burning bridges rather than building them.” From the  New York Times : Liberals may feel energized by a surge in political activism, and a unified stance against a president they see as irresponsible and even dangerous. But that momentum is provoking an equal and opposite reaction on the right. In recent interviews, conservative voters said they felt assaulted by what they said was a kind of moral Bolshevism — the belief that the liberal vision for the country was the only right one. Disagreeing meant being publicly shamed. Protests and righteous indignation on social media and in Hollywood may seem to liberals to be about policy ...

Heritage Minister & Iqra Khalid plan next step in outlawing free speech

It was nothing more than a statement from the government condemning racism, said the ruling Liberals. 'Conservative' columnists Andrew Coyne and Kelly McParland told us it was nothing to think twice about (if those guys are conservatives then we're living in Bizarro World) and any criticism of it meant you were a fascist (yes, this guys are middle aged SJWs). Of course, as all of those opposed to Motion 103 (M103) knew, it never stops with a motion. The motion becomes a bill, the bill becomes law, the law gets precedence, and then throw out the Constitution because we live in  police state. Guys like Coyne and McParland like police states, because they feel as part of the media establishment they'll always be protected by government (as long as they tow the line, which they are only too happy to do, in return for their government subsidized paycheque). And Heritage Minister Melanie Joly and MP Iqra Khalid (the author of the motion) like a police state, because they ...