One of Canada's national newspapers, the left leaning Globe & Mail ( the other being the left leaning National Post) ran a column last weekend by the horribly oppressed Tina Petrick. Petrick describes herself as a single woman nearing thirty (women are, as much as they try to deny it, consciously aware of their sell by date) trying to navigate the minefield of dating that is Calgary. For non-Canadian readers, Calgary is Canada's Dallas, the capital of the country's oil and gas industry. A once very prosperous city, it attracted people like Petrick looking for the new opportunities that a robust economy provides. Unfortunately so many of Petrick's type have moved to Calgary and the province of Alberta that a year and half a go they voted in a socialist government and the economy has tanked. That hasn't caused every capitalist in the city and province to flee, there's still a lot of money in Alberta that the government hasn't taxed away yet, and Petrick ...
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