The Harvard Crimson: ‘Hateful’ MILO Should Be Banned From College Campuses 219 2 by BREITBART TECH 6 Feb 2017 797 SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER Harvard University’s student newspaper, The Harvard Crimson, declared “Universities must not grant figures such as Milo Yiannopoulos a platform to espouse their hateful and unsubstantiated claims,” during an article published by “The Crimson Editorial Board” on Sunday. “Yiannopoulos does not deserve to be granted the platform of a university campus to espouse his hateful beliefs,” wrote the student newspaper on Sunday. “Institutions of higher education pride themselves on generating new knowledge and challenging old beliefs for the purposes of advancing our understanding of the world. Furthermore, these institutions are built on the principle of evidence-based research.” “In contrast, Yiannopoulos appears to challenge others’ beliefs simply for the sake of being a contrarian, and h...
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