MEDIA Fire With Fire: Milo’s Dangerous Brand by J.M. McBirnie January 31, 2017 Multiple Pages Milo Yiannopoulos In the lead-up to the Fahrenheit 451 reenactment planned for Milo Yiannopoulos’ upcoming book Dangerous , Buzzfeed and its coterie ran pieces on the incendiary’s previous forays into publishing. Under the pseudonym Milo Andreas Wagner, Yiannopoulos didn’t just self-publish two books of poetry, but also coedited a critical anthology on Buffy the Vampire Slayer ’s fifth season. Oh no he didn’t. Snark aside, they also allege plagiarism with a link to an article documenting how he “misquoted” Tori Amos and “blended lines” of other songs without attribution. (He thanks Amos on an acknowledgement page, but that’s not really proper MLA format, is it?) And true to Buzzfeed’s form, it features digestible experts of a live-tweeting reacting to Milo’s Eskimo ...
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