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Showing posts from February 15, 2017

Milo's book, Dangerous, underwire from liberal media before even being published.

MEDIA Fire With Fire: Milo’s Dangerous Brand by J.M. McBirnie   January 31, 2017 Multiple Pages Milo Yiannopoulos In the lead-up to the  Fahrenheit 451  reenactment planned for Milo Yiannopoulos’ upcoming book  Dangerous ,  Buzzfeed  and  its coterie  ran pieces on the incendiary’s previous forays into publishing. Under the pseudonym Milo Andreas Wagner, Yiannopoulos didn’t just  self-publish  two books of poetry, but also coedited a  critical anthology  on  Buffy the Vampire Slayer ’s fifth season. Oh no he didn’t. Snark aside, they also allege plagiarism with a link to an article documenting how he “misquoted” Tori Amos and “blended lines” of other songs without attribution. (He thanks Amos on an acknowledgement page, but that’s not really proper MLA format, is it?) And true to Buzzfeed’s form, it features digestible experts of a  live-tweeting  reacting to Milo’s  Eskimo ...

Europe rapidly becoming Islamic state

ISSUE OF THE CENTURY What a Mess by Taki   February 15, 2017   Multiple Pages photo credit: Bigstock Yellowstone River, Wyoming I write this from a small village high up in the Swiss Alps, where I have just left the tiny police station with a warning: Arab women are permitted in the Swiss-German part of the country to totally cover their face and body. The Italian part of Switzerland has forbidden it, but I was unaware that the German part had done a Merkel and allowed the full burka, hence I had demanded some Arab women to take them off. An eagle-eyed copper whom I’ve known well for many years set me straight—after making me follow him to the police station. I thought I heard giggling from the fat faceless ones, but it could have been my imagination.  The funny thing is that the same thing happened in New York’s Kennedy Airport as I was leaving the country. I noticed an obese object completely covered up waddling toward a departure gate an...

George Soros linked to anti-Trump paid protesters

A Politico profile of a new anti-Trump protest movement calling itself “Indivisible” reported that “conservatives” are “spreading unfounded rumors” that the group is “being driven by wealthy donors like George Soros.” Politico, however, seemingly failed to do even the most minimal research on the Indivisible leaders cited in the news outlet’s own profile.  Some of those personalities are openly associated with groups financed by Soros. Politico further failed to note that the organizations cited in its article as helping to amplify Indivisible’s message are either financed directly by Soros or have close ties to groups funded by the billionaire. “Inside the protest movement that has Republicans reeling,” was the title of the Politico  profile . Citing Angel Padilla, a co-founder of the group, Politico reported: Dubbed “Indivisible,” the group launched as a way for Padilla and a handful of fellow ex-Democratic aides to channel their post-election heartbreak into ...