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Trudeau okay with radical Islam, terrified of Pres. Trump

Wow! Justin Trudeau Sets Up ‘War Room’… To Monitor POTUS Trump!

President Donald Trump has so unnerved Justin Trudeau that the Canadian prime minister has set-up a “war room” within his office to monitor what Liberal government insiders are calling “the unpredictable U.S. president” and to respond at a moment’s notice. 
The Daily Caller reported:
The team is led by long-time Liberal advisor Brian Clow, formerly chief of staff to foreign affairs minister Chrystia Freeland, and is designed to provide advice and quick responses to Trump’s trade policy, especially with regard to NAFTA.
Greg MacEachern, a senior vice-president at Environics Communications and former Liberal staffer told The Hill Times, “There’s not been a unit like this set up within the PMO to the best of my knowledge,” said MacEachern. “Obviously, the prime minister wants to be keeping a very close eye on this. … It’s an unprecedented situation in the U.S. we’re watching.”….
…..While praising the war room concept and Clow’s management of it, Kinsella described the U.S. president as “a monkey with a machine gun. You need people who are tracking what’s taking place in the United States now and responding.  You’ve got the president of the United States coming up with policy at three o’clock in the morning on Twitter, so the traditional bureaucratic response … none of that works anymore. You need a war room to respond to this guy, and I think that’s what the Trudeau guys have wisely set up.”
And here you have the mental disorder of liberalism on full display. Trudeau sees Donald Trump as a bigger threat to Canada than Islamic terrorism. Instead of monitoring Muslim refugees who are raping and pillaging their way across Europe, Trudeau chooses to monitor Trump. You just can’t make this stuff up!
Donald Trump has vowed to renegotiate NAFTA to benefit Americans. Perhaps that is making our friendly neighbor to the north a little nervous although It is argued that we have a good balance between our services surplus and trade deficits with Canada. Read about U.S.-Canada trade facts here.


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