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Fake News Sites

There has of late been great media consternation about the proliferation of fake news sites that mislead voters and generally misinform. There is a growing movement within the MSM, college campuses and even at the White House to have these types of news sites banned.
Well, as a free speech absolutist I'm not in favour of restricting anyone's right to publish misleading and even downright false information (as long as it's not slandering an individual). However, as a public service, since there is so much concern over 'news' sites like these, I've compiled a list of some of the most egregious fake news sites online. They range from sites that bend stories to fit a certain narrative to others who create elaborate fake stories, or feature opinion writers writing columns that many of today's university students would consider hate speech (such as the Guardian's Julie Bindel advocating putting all men in concentration camps).
At any rate consider yourself forearmed:

Crooks and Liars

Mother Jones

Talking Points Memo

The Raw Story

The Young Turks

Truth dig

Micheal Moore

News Hounds

Counter Punch

Democratic Underground

Daily Kos

The Huffington Post

Democracy Now

The Guardian

Occupy Democrats


Campus Progress


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