And that's no exaggeration, a lot of his 'finest' moments didn't even make the cut.
However back to the Tory leadership race, as far as anyone sensible person should be concerned right-leaning Maxine Bernier is the only choice for Canada.

That said, both the Rebel gals got positively giddy in their approximations of Tory insider, Andrew Scheer's looks (Lauren's a chubby chaser, who knew). Now, there's no denying Scheer's impressive rise in politics. Unlike the little prince, Trudeau, he had to do it through determination and intelligence, becoming the youngest speaker of the house at 35. He's shown himself to be a decent debater, and at times even witty. But you don't become the favourite son of the Tory establishment at 37 (or any age for that matter) by espousing `an end to corporate welfare (as Bernier does) or making an uncompromising stand on any point of ideology. Faith Goldy has been in established media, so she is likely aware that corporate welfare is what keeps her pay cheques coming. Like many on the Canadian Right, she talks partisan politics, and may make a big deal about issues like gun control, but at the end of the day the status quo reins.
Scheer, would be, in short, a disaster. He's a compromiser in the long tradition of Tory leaders, so desperate to capture the mushy middle he abandon's all that he stands for (whatever that might be) and we end up with Liberal Lite, which is only a tad improvement over Liberal Classic (not to be confused with classical liberalism).
The giddy gals at the Rebel correctly identified another of the 14 Tory contenders, Michael Chong as a sheep in sheep's clothing, unfortunately they don't get (or in Goldy's case, don't want to admit) that aside from Bernier, the 13 other candidates are different forms of Liberal Lite. Sure there are a couple of hardcore social conservatives in the mix, but even they are at their core, big government types.

They did however, correctly identify Kevin O'Leary as a raging liberal.
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